Extinguishment of burning iron filings

Fire extinguishing usually adopts the following materials or methods:
1. Class D fire extinguishers: the material usually uses sodium chloride-based powder or a passivated graphite-based powder. The principle is to suffocate the fire by excluding oxygen; Fire extinguishers are only produced by foreign manufacturers. Therefore, when purchasing, you must look for products with quality certification and insurance company guarantees to ensure safety, practicality and effectiveness.
2. Covering agent or dry sand: it can be used to cover a small area of ​​fire, and its principle is to suffocate the fire by excluding oxygen.
3. Cast iron chips: It can also be used when there is no other good fire extinguishing material. Its main function is to reduce the temperature below the ignition point of magnesium, rather than smothering the fire.
Remarks: Under no circumstances should water or any other non-Type D fire extinguisher be used to extinguish a fire caused by magnesium. Water, other liquids, carbon dioxide, foam, etc. will all react with burning magnesium and strengthen the fire rather than suppress it.

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