What are the most common cast magnesium alloys

Cast magnesium alloy is a magnesium alloy that is formed by adding alloying elements based on magnesium and is suitable for the production of parts by casting. According to the forming process, magnesium alloys can be divided into cast magnesium alloys and wrought magnesium alloys, both of which have great differences in composition, structure and performance. Cast magnesium alloys are mainly used for auto parts, parts housings and electrical components; wrought magnesium alloys are mainly used for thin plates, extrusions and forgings.
Cast magnesium alloy has the following characteristics: large crystallization temperature interval, large volume shrinkage and linear shrinkage, small eutectic amount, specific heat capacity, solidification latent heat, density and liquid pressure head in the structure, low fluidity, and general tendency to crack and shrink Much larger than cast aluminum alloy.

The most common cast iron alloy types ar: AZ63, AZ81, AZ91, AM50, ZK51, ZK61, ZE41, ZC63, HK31, HZ32, QE22, QH21, WE54, WE43 and Elektron 21

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