burning of magnesium ribbon

The burning phenomenon of magnesium strips is: magnesium burns in the air and emits dazzling light, with water mist and white smoke. When magnesium is ignited in oxygen, it will burn violently, accompanied by dazzling white light, and white smoke will also be generated. Magnesium burns mainly by reacting with oxygen in the air.

Magnesium is a metallic element whose symbol is Mg. It is a silvery-white, light alkaline-earth metal substance that is malleable and heat-dissipating. Magnesium is widely distributed in nature, and it is also one of the indispensable elements for the human body. Magnesium can also be used to make alloy materials needed for aircraft and missiles.

Magnesium consumes oxygen and nitrogen when it burns, but it can also burn in carbon dioxide, so magnesium is one of the few metals that can burn in carbon dioxide. Magnesium does not interact with fluoride, hydrofluoric acid and chromic acid, but it is easily soluble in organic and inorganic acids, and magnesium can directly combine with nitrogen, sulfur and other substances.

Magnesium is also widely used in the production of fireworks and flares, all of which contain magnesium powder. Fireworks and flares use the characteristic of magnesium burning in the air to emit dazzling white light, which makes the light emitted by fireworks and flares more intense. for bright.

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