Magnesium – Safety

Flammable when wet. Hazard code number: GB4.3 category 43012. UN N0 1418; IMDG CODE4353 page, category 4.3. Pack in iron drums, aluminum drums or woven bags lined with polyethylene plastic bags, tie the mouth of the plastic bags tightly and seal them. Aluminum drums or iron drums should be strong and airtight. The inner surface of the black iron packaging barrel should be coated with aluminum powder, and the outer surface should be painted. Woven bags should be durable and prevent static electricity. The words “flammable” and “moisture-proof” are marked on the package. It should be stored in a cool, ventilated and dry warehouse. It cannot be stored and transported together with inorganic acids and flammable materials. During transportation, it should be protected from rain and sun exposure , and do anti-static protection for the means of transportation, and no fire is allowed to approach. Handle with care when loading and unloading, and collisions are strictly prohibited to prevent damage to the packaging. Magnesium powder dust can cause dyspnea, chest pain, cough, diffuse interstitial fibers in the lungs Production personnel should wear work clothes, masks and other labor protection supplies to protect respiratory organs and skin. The equipment should be airtight, and the production workshop should be well ventilated. In case of fire, it is strictly forbidden to use water, foam, carbon dioxide to extinguish the fire, and dry sand can be used Fight the rescue. The eyes and skin must be protected during rescue, so as not to burn the body by flying blazing grains and burn the eyesight by magnesium light.

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