Six application characteristics of magnesium alloy


The specific strength of magnesium alloy is higher than that of aluminum alloy and steel, slightly lower than that of fiber reinforced plastic with the highest specific strength; its specific stiffness is equivalent to that of aluminum alloy and steel, and much higher than that of fiber reinforced plastic; specific strength (strength/density), specific endurance ( Durability/density) is higher than iron and aluminum.


The cutting resistance of magnesium alloy is small, about 1/10 of that of steel and 1/3 of that of aluminum alloy, so the cutting time is short and the tool life is long. It has excellent machinability, easy processing, low processing cost, and very little processing energy.

Corrosion resistance:

In the atmosphere, magnesium has good corrosion resistance, which is better than that of iron. The corrosion resistance of high-purity alloy magnesium AZ91D is much better than that of low-carbon steel, and has surpassed that of die-casting aluminum alloy A380. Beryllium and calcium in magnesium alloy can improve its corrosion resistance, and the presence of iron, cobalt, nickel and copper greatly reduces the corrosion resistance of the alloy.
Shock Absorption:

Compared with other metals, magnesium alloy has excellent shock absorption. Even though the Young’s modulus value of magnesium alloy is very low, it is still an excellent shock-absorbing material. Obviously, the application of magnesium alloy materials as automobile structural parts is very beneficial to reduce noise and vibration during automobile operation.

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