What are the advantages of magnesium alloy?

An overview of the twelve advantages of magnesium alloys

(1) Light weight: The specific strength of magnesium alloy is higher than that of aluminum alloy and steel/iron; its specific stiffness is comparable to that of aluminum alloy and steel/iron, but much higher than that of fiber-reinforced plastics. The specific strength (ratio of strength/density) and specific endurance (ratio of endurance/density) are higher than those of aluminum and iron. This feature is of great significance for reducing the weight of portable products in modern society, reducing energy consumption of vehicles, and reducing the weight of weapons and equipment.

(2) High damping, shock-absorbing and shock-absorbing properties: Magnesium alloy has an excellent ability to absorb energy, absorb vibration and noise, and ensure that the equipment can work quietly. The damping property of magnesium alloy is dozens of times greater than that of aluminum alloy, and the shock absorption effect is very significant. Using magnesium alloy instead of aluminum alloy to make the base of the computer hard disk can greatly reduce the weight (about 70%) and greatly increase the stability of the hard disk. It is very conducive to the development of the hard disk of the computer in the direction of high speed and large capacity.

(3) Good impact resistance and compression resistance: its impact resistance is 20 times that of plastic; when magnesium alloy castings are impacted, the scars on the surface are much smaller than those of iron and aluminum.

(4) Good casting performance: Under the condition of maintaining a good component structure, the wall thickness of magnesium alloy casting products can be less than 0.6 mm, which cannot be achieved by plastic products under the same strength conditions, even aluminum alloy products can only be used in Only in the range of 1.2 to 1.5 mm can it be comparable to magnesium products.

(5) Dimensional stability: Below 100°C, magnesium alloys can maintain their dimensional stability for a long time; dimensional stability without annealing and stress relief is a very prominent feature of magnesium alloys, and its volume shrinkage is only 6%, which is a relatively low shrinkage among cast metals; under load, it also has good creep strength, which is of great significance for making engine parts and small engine die castings.

(6) High mold productivity: Compared with aluminum alloy, the unit heat content of magnesium alloy is lower, which means that it can solidify more quickly in the mold. Generally, the productivity of magnesium alloy is 40% to 50% higher than that of aluminum die-casting, which can reach twice that of die-casting aluminum.

(7) Good machining performance: The cutting resistance of magnesium alloy is small, about 1/10 of steel, 1/3 of aluminum alloy, and its cutting speed is much higher than that of other metals; it is easy to cut and has low processing cost. The energy is only 70% of that of aluminum alloy. No need for mechanical grinding and polishing, excellent surface finish can be obtained without using cutting fluid, can be obtained after one cutting, and rarely occurs built-up edge.

(8) Good corrosion resistance: In the atmosphere, magnesium has good corrosion resistance, which is better than that of iron. For example, the corrosion resistance of high-purity magnesium alloy AZ91D is much better than that of low-carbon steel, which has exceeded that of die-casting aluminum alloy A380.

(9) High heat dissipation: Magnesium alloy has high heat dissipation, which is very suitable for electronic products with dense components designed and manufactured today. Because the thermal conductivity of magnesium alloy is 350 to 400 times that of ABS resin, when making electronic product casings or components, its structure and thermal conductivity characteristics should be considered comprehensively so that it can fully exert its heat dissipation function and reduce the heat generated by electronic components such as CPUs. The heat is discharged in time. If we only consider the heat dissipation of notebook computers and other products, magnesium alloys are undoubtedly the best choice for notebook computers because magnesium alloys have fast heat transfer and are not easy to get hot.

(10) Good electromagnetic interference barrier: Magnesium alloy has better magnetic shielding performance and better electromagnetic wave blocking function than aluminum alloy, and is more suitable for making electronic products that emit electromagnetic interference. It can also be used as the casing of computers, mobile phones and other products to reduce the radiation hazards of electromagnetic waves to human body.

(11) Low heat capacity: The heat capacity of magnesium alloy is smaller than that of aluminum alloy, so it is not easy to stick to the mold and prolong the life of the mold.

(12) Recyclability: Scrap magnesium alloy castings can be recycled and remelted, and can be used as secondary materials for AZ91D, AM50, and AM60 for recasting. Due to the increasing demand for die casting parts, the ability to recycle is very important. This environmentally friendly feature makes magnesium alloys more attractive than many plastic materials.

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